Frequently asked questions

Does Installation have to be undertaken by an Accredited Solar Water Heating Supplier?

No. Any registered plumber can install a water heating system but with solar systems there are aspects of their design and installation that mean that using an experienced supplier should mean that the installation will be done to best practice.

Who reviews the competence of a supplier?
The Solar Industries Association has an independent solar expert who acts as the Accreditation Administrator and reviews the documentation and evidence provided by suppliers. While the Accreditation Administrator can not examine every aspect of a suppliers installation practices the Administrator has a wide experience of all the industry and is aware of the things that can go wrong if the system is not installed properly.

Who accredits the actual installers?
The accreditation process relies on the Accreditation Administrator reviewing the training and performance monitoring of those who undertake the actual installation. It is part of the responsibility of the Accredited Supplier to ensure that whoever is installing their product is doing so to best practice.

What standards are the product designed to?
The NZ Building Code has identified that compliance to the standard AS/NZS 2712 will meet the durability and safety requirements of the Code. Systems can be designed and manufactured to other standards but for a Council to issue a Building Consent then the supplier would need to demonstrate that the product meets the requirements of the Building Code. This would be time consuming and expensive for suppliers and so demonstrated compliance to AS/NZS 2712 means that all Councils are bound to accept that the product meets the requirement of the Code and no further evidence is necessary.

Are the standards used applicable for New Zealand climatic conditions?
The standard for manufacture and installation have been developed by a joint Australian/New Zealand Standards Committee so as to meet the climatic conditions of NZ. In a number of aspects these are quite different from those in other countries which is why the New Zealand standard has been accepted by the Department of Building and Housing as meeting the New Zealand Building Code.


Please contact us if you have any questions not addressed here.